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That’s not my Neighbor

That’s Not My Neighbor is a horror-themed 2D game that casts players as doormen at the forefront of a unique security challenge. Set in a stylized version of 1955, the game revolves around the player’s role in an apartment building, working with the Doppelganger Detection Department (D.D.D.) to prevent sinister doppelgangers from gaining entry. Players must scrutinize the residents’ paperwork, which comes through a chute, to determine the authenticity of each individual’s identity. The suspense builds with each visitor, as players are tasked with making split-second decisions to ensure only real residents are allowed access.

That’s Not My Neighbor is a horror-themed 2D game that casts players as doormen at the forefront of a unique security challenge. Set in a stylized version of 1955, the game revolves around the player’s role in an apartment building, working with the Doppelganger Detection Department (D.D.D.) to prevent sinister doppelgangers from gaining entry. Players must scrutinize the residents’ paperwork, which comes through a chute, to determine the authenticity of each individual’s identity. The suspense builds with each visitor, as players are tasked with making split-second decisions to ensure only real residents are allowed access.

Critical Decision-Making Under Pressure

The gameplay mechanics are designed to test players’ attention to detail and quick judgment. Each session requires players to evaluate paperwork and make decisions based on subtle discrepancies that might indicate a doppelganger. This process is fraught with tension, as incorrect decisions can lead to negative consequences, lowering the player’s score and potentially leading to a hazardous situation if a doppelgänger is mistakenly allowed inside. The game heightens the stakes with the constant risk of encountering a doppelgänger, whose presence is only confirmed by dramatic, climactic reveals, keeping players on edge throughout their shift.

Enhancements in That’s Not My Neighbor include educational films provided by the D.D.D., which serve as tutorials to help players identify key features and common mistakes in spotting doppelgängers. These films are crucial for players to understand deeper gameplay elements and improve their observational skills. As the game progresses, the challenges become more complex, requiring players to balance speed with accuracy to maintain safety and achieve higher rankings.

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